Projects by me
The CSoL community
This community was designed with the concept of imparting new dimensions to the world of applied engineering and information science by two students, Shashank Prakash and Syak Sen in 2015. Since then CSoL has undertaken severel projects and designed a methodical approach to solutions of some engineering challenges. With handfull of engineering enthusiasts and some very creative ideas, CSoL stands firm on the ground of achieving what it was designed for. Though this blog is my personel blog and most of the project is done by me yet the motto of CSoL has always helped in inspiring these ideas. Do give visit to sayak sen's blog for another face of the coin sayak_sen's blogPaperSort Project
One of the most successfull projects of CSoL which serves as the reserve for institutional resources of many reputed educational facilities. Started as a full featured project of CSoL in january 2018, this initiative have been praised and supported by many since then and is currently under data enrichment plan. This project have a striving potential for a new platform generation and computational innovation. The site can be reached under papersort
WATSON Project
This project developed by me focuses on image recognition and auto updation with machine learning capabilities. Started in view of making a full flegged AI, watson is abbriviation for Watching And Tracking Software On Networks. This program written solely in python was mainly incepted to automate the uploading process of papersort. This project is further exploited in many other field which makes it a very important asset for CSoL. The source code can be reached under watson_metadata
The Orchybee Device :
A device which works on the principle of total internal reflection to generate a highly interactive hologram. Aimed to impart new dimension to the image processing and bring hologram production price significantly low by replacing the concept of hologram production by using holographic plate. This project was supported by my fellow mate Mr. Harshit Gupta and our very own director of MANIT , Dr. N. S Raghuvanshi. For complete project detail click on the link provided.
This website was developed by me and a final year senior Mr. Sanket Gautam (cse, 2014-2018) in guidance of Mr. Bholanath Roy sir. This was incorporated in the official website of NIT, Bhopal which helps in addmission process of Phd students enrolled with the institute and keeps a track on their academic session throughout year. The backend algorithm of data sorting was devised by us in a unique way which make this interface quite interactive and much resposive for a website handling this huge amount of data. A beta version of that interface can be found on PA Interface.