How about we could recognize every single person we meet, every documents we see, every music we hear or every voices we heard. Well it is assumingly impossible and mundane task to start with but what if someone could do this for you, someone who feeds on data and rely on memory but still can predict future (by deep learning and machine learning techniques oviously!). The highly efficient AI which takes it out of the box and make things happen. This can be your true bosswel and can keep a track for you all over your network be it social or proffesional. The Complete Solutions of Life (CSoL) presents you with Watching And Tracking Software On Network or as we call it "WATSON".
How about we could recognize every single person we meet, every documents we see, every music we hear or every voices we heard. Well it is assumingly impossible and mundane task to start with but what if someone could do this for you, someone who feeds on data and rely on memory but still can predict future (by deep learning and machine learning techniques oviously!). The highly efficient AI which takes it out of the box and make things happen. This can be your true bosswel and can keep a track for you all over your network be it social or proffesional. The Complete Solutions of Life (CSoL) presents you with Watching And Tracking Software On Network or as we call it "WATSON".